Burn out is described as physical, mental and emotional exhaustion, often brought on by a singular or multiple stressors. From elite athletes to everyday working parents, burn out is a very real by-product of our modern, fast-paced and demanding lifestyles.
3 Natural Ways on How to Increase Energy Levels, Overcome you Languishing Symptoms of Burn Out & Improve Brain Function
But considering the sweeping effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, sending us into endless lockdowns and disruptive cycles, it can be so easy to also fall into periods of deep languish, where we feel joyless and aimless outside of our normal freedoms; a strange sense of inactivity, restriction, and almost sleeping through our days. We lose motivation and start developing habits to cut-corners, whether it be in what we eat, the amount of sleep we get, or in the down-time we award ourselves to have some fun or simply recharge. After all, our options are limited. Unfortunately, all this does is worsen burn out symptoms and leaves us less productive. We’re not exactly depressed, but we aren’t ourselves, and symptoms can manifest to include feeling drained, headaches and muscle pain, disrupted eating and sleeping routines, as well as emotional signs, such as feelings of failure and doubt.
In this article, we explore some simple, natural ways on how we can all boost energy levels, improve brain function, and increase concentration to break out of these periods of languish brought on by COVID-19 and more.
Regularly Include Nutritious Foods, Fluids & Supplements in Your Diet
One of the most noticeable symptoms of burn out and general languishing is feeling sluggish and tired, likely linked to your diet. After all, our bodies are essentially machines that need an adequate amount of clean fuel in order to continue operating. Once that fuel decreases in amounts and quality, naturally the body starts to respond by declining in performance, again both physically and mentally. Processed foods that consist of high amounts of sugar and fat offer little nutritional benefits, causing blood sugar to rapidly rise and fall and disrupt insulin levels. Similarly, if you find yourself regularly skipping meals or eating at different times every day, your system will constantly be in a state of excess and depletion, not knowing how to balance the nutrients it does receive.
An excellent way to not only increase energy levels, but also improve concentration and brain function is to adopt foods and fluids filled with helpful nutrients your body is craving. These include fibre-rich foods like vegetables, whole grains and legumes, seafood filled with fatty acids, and a lot of water. The body is between 55% and 75% water, depending on fluids for cellular rehydration, transporting oxygen throughout the body, and so much more, meaning dehydration can play a big part in effecting your mood, brain power and energy levels.
If you cannot find time to introduce all of these nutrients into your meals, fortunately some of the best vitamins for the body and brain function can be found in supplements. A range of supplements, such as Melrose MCT Oil Brain Power 250ml & MCT Oil Brain Power 500ml, work to assist in increasing mental energy and clarity, encouraging the best performance in those who include it in their diet.
Maintain a Healthier Sleep Schedule
Whether you are going to bed later to get more done in a day, or taking longer to get out of bed in the morning, sending your body into sleep deficit or surplus often does little to help us function better or improve concentration (and power naps aren’t enough to set things right). Sleep is essential for the body and mind to recharge and refresh, with adults recommended to have a consistent 7 to 9 hours each night to receive the full benefit. Failure to do so can leave to feeling lethargic, irritable, and generally tired. Prolonged sleep deprivation and oversleeping can result in ongoing languishing, with serious diminishment of cognitive function, reduced physical reactions, and mood shifts. Beyond this, there is even the possibility of developing conditions such as heart disease, stroke, unstable mental health, and diabetes.
If you’re having difficulties ‘turning your mind off’, try to relax your body before getting into bed, such as through reading a book, having a bath, or stretching. It is also a good idea to reduce the amount of screen time before bed, as the blue light can disrupt the body’s release of melatonin, which is the hormone needed to send us to sleep.
Increase the Amount of Exercise in Your Routine
It might seem counterintuitive to include more strenuous activity into your schedule when you are feeling the symptoms of burn out, but the opposite is true. A sedentary lifestyle borne out of languish increases your risk of chronic conditions, such as obesity and heart disease, but also leaves your body feeling fatigued without actually moving at all. Fortunately, you do not need to run a marathon or lift heavy weights in a gym every day – simply walking around the block or some short, high intensity training can help improve circulation and internal functions, resulting in improved concentration, energy levels and more.