If you’re just getting to terms with 2020 - you will know our lives have changed, and likely forever. Many of us find ourselves in a whole new environment… well not new, just a lot more of the same - spending most of our time at home.
If you’re just getting to terms with 2020 - you will know our lives have changed, and likely forever. Many of us find ourselves in a whole new environment… well not new, just a lot more of the same - spending most of our time at home. Our social lives are probably centered around our friends with a good internet connection and who’ve got their head around video conferencing!
People are great adaptors, especially in adversity, we’ve seen that in many aspects of our community coming together, and looking out for one another (ok aside from the toilet paper fiasco). We are also creatures of habit, so it’s normal that we feel a little lost when our whole world is suddenly condensed into our comfort zone at home..
With much more time at home, either working, taking care of the kids, studying... Basically with the whole social distancing in play, we are certainly left with more time to think; and hopefully to spend some time on ourselves.
Now is a great time to start boosting your own health. And to help you manage 2020 and beyond, we’ve put together some healthy habits that will help you “up” your physical and mental well-being.
Structure your day
Our regular daily commute gave us a routine, it was clear when work started and finished. Working from home blurs those lines and it gets harder to focus and decide how to structure our days.
We recommend you to organise part or all of your day to help provide that structure and keep the efficiency up - working hours, breaks, video calls, exercise… Give yourself a new routine. If you plan it, it’s more likely to happen!

Up the Exercise
Physical activity can have instant, lasting health benefits. Regular activity can improve your quality of life and make you feel more energetic according to Vic Health. Now more than ever it’s important to keep your body moving. As long as you practice social distancing, keep up good hygiene, and wash your hands when you get home, you are still allowed to go walking, cycling or running.
A lot of people are getting into keeping active at home, with unlimited online resources and free classes. Find your online yoga, pilates or dancing classes… And give your body a break from sitting down.
Time out has put together some of the free resources that you can find online: https://www.timeout.com/melbourne/things-to-do/melbournes-best-online-workouts-you-can-do-at-home Channel Nine has also done its own list of free resources: https://coach.nine.com.au/fitness/coronavirus-free-online-exercises-self-isolating-social-distancing-at-home-workouts/516c05ce-2be7-4dc0-9310-49c0849465e0
Watch the Snacking!
Ah the age old problem of being too close to convenient food… and the fridge! Staying at home for many people means snacking more, we’ve got you - time to make your own quick and healthy snacks! We’ve picked our 3 favourite snacking recipes, guilt-free:
Coco cashew and white chocolate bark:

Rosemary Flax Crackers with Beetroot hummus

Gluten-Free Blueberry Muffins with Almond Acai Butter

Keep Healthy Diet
We’ve talked about snacking, but maintaining a healthy diet is key to keep your energy levels and your immunity system strong.
A positive from these difficult times is the opportunity to slow down and spend more time cooking and paying attention to what we eat.
Check out our recipe blog to get inspired with some healthy meals: https://www.melrosehealth.com.au/recipes
Boost your immunity
It’s been proven that COVID-19 will affect more of those who have a weak immune system. There has never been a better time or reason to work on your body’s immune system. WE recommend you to have a look at our Melrose Vitamin C product range.
We use Native Australian Kakadu Plum which is one of nature’s highest vitamin C sources.
Set aside a workspace
Many of us will have problems focusing at home (me included) either because of the new environment, distractions like kids, or that netflix series you didn’t finish last night... and let’s be honest, also the snacks!
Set aside a working space, even if small or part of a table, get rid of distractions that are easy to reach. Maybe put on a playlist that helps you be in the mood.
Our little secret: add MCT oil to your coffee/ morning drink. You can read here the benefits and science behind MCT oil. Get rid of fog brain and allow yourself to focus longer.
Groundhog day it!
Finally, Staying at home doesn’t have to mean slouching on the couch. While it might seem like the start of Groundhog Day (also a great tip if you haven’t seen that movie), the tip is later in the movie - Pick up something new. Read, write, paint… Start a new hobby or an online course.
Rest of course is very important, but keeping your mind busy will help you maintain positive mental health.